Web Design

Home Web Design


We offer professional web design services at affordable rates to help your business attract more visitors and keep them on your site! More than beautiful design, we build websites with a complete strategy designed to turn your site visitors into customers.

As many as 82% of customers are doing online research before they contact you about products or services. Is your website doing enough to turn those researchers into buyers?



Website Design Process

Scope definition

We can define the scope of the project. I.e., what web pages and features the site requires to fulfill the goal, and the timeline for building those out.

Sitemap and wireframe creation

With the scope well-defined, we can start digging into the sitemap, defining how the content and features we defined in scope definition will interrelate.

Content creation

Content creation is the process of identifying a new topic you want to write about, deciding which form you want the content to take, formalizing your strategy (keyword or otherwise), and then actually producing it.

Visual elements

Depending on the client, this may already be well-defined, but you might also be defining the visual style from the ground up. Tools like style tiles, moodboards, and element collages can help with this process.


By now, you've got all your pages and defined how they display to the site visitor, so it's time to make sure it all works. Combine manual browsing of the site on a variety of devices with automated site crawlers to identify everything from user experience issues to simple broken links.


Once everything's working beautifully, it's time to plan and execute your site launch! This should include planning both launch timing and communication strategies — i.e., when will you launch and how will you let the world know? After that, it's time to break out the bubbly.


Why go for Website Designing

  • Wider Reach

With an online presence, your reach is unlimited, you can cater to global markets by sitting at your office.

  • Brand Identity

Like logo a website has become an indispensable tool in creating a brand value.

  • Availbility

While your office working hours are limited, website is available to your customer 24/7 365 days in a year.

  • Lead Generation

Through website you can generate leads and improve your revenues. A good website is itself a silent salesman.

  • Digital Advantage

We cannot stress enough on moving to a digital model. Its unlimited, scalable and has a cost benefit.

Why choose us to build your website?


We have an experienced team which can take care of all your needs. We can offer you bouquet of solutions such as mobile responsive website designing, dynamic website designing, static website designing, ecommerce website designing, real estate web portal development, startup website designing, custom website designing etc. We also offer website optimization and maintenance services. We can help you create a dent in the digital market. We take all steps to ensure that whatever your expectation we meet them so that we can deliver a product that not just a novelty item but a tool to drive your growth.

Web Design Categories

Ecommerce Website
Corporate Website
Real Estate Website
Custom Website

Website Designing Features

Give us a chance to be your technical partners in your journey and we will surely put your best foot forward. We are confident that our experience in this industry will surely be one of the drivers of your growth in the online forte

Mobile Compatibility

The first step is to check how your existing website appears on mobile. You can use Google mobile site tester to find this out. If your website cannot currently be accessed on mobile, you can create a mobile version of your website for free with the help of web-based mobile website builders.

Well-Formatted Content

It has become even more important today as websites offer a wide range of information and resources to attract their target market. Plan your website sections and categories carefully and present information in a way that it is easy for users to find. Always think from the perspective of your users. This is particularly important if you offer a lot of content on your company's website.

Accessible to All Users

A user-friendly website should also be accessible to everyone including blind . These users typically use screen-readers to access the Internet. The 508 website accessibility guidelines highlights simple web design techniques that can be applied to make sure your website can be accessed easily on-screen readers, making your website available to a larger audience.


Nothing is more annoying for website visitors than a website that takes long to load. In fact, slow speed is one of the main reasons why visitors leave a website. Making sure your website loads within 4 to 6 seconds is important for good usability. It also affects your search engine ranking.

  • Website Development

    Web development is the work involved in developing a Web site for the Internet or an intranet. Web development can range from developing a simple single static page of plain text to complex web applications, electronic businesses, and social network services

    Among Web professionals, “Web development” usually refers to the main non-design aspects of building Web sites: writing markup and coding.[2] Web development may use content management systems (CMS) to make content changes easier and available with basic technical skills.

  • Cutome WordPress Development

    When you commission a custom WordPress theme, you get a site that is built specifically for you. It takes into account all of your needs and use cases.

    Here’s a custom WordPress site that we built for Detail Delivery. It captures the feeling of their business, presents all the important information a visitor needs, and looks much better than an off-the-shelf theme.

    In the future, you’ll be able to expand your site out as necessary with additional content and landing pages without having to modify theme code.

  • Custom WordPress themes make your site look great and work exactly as you need it to.
  • No coding is required to update to your site. Just add content when you need it.
  • Custom themes equip sites with different functions, page layouts, widgets, and other visual enhancements.
  • You can easily customize and extend features for your needs using core WordPress functionality.
  • WordPress Plugin Development

    The focus of our expert developers is to provide exceptional plugin customization and development services which satisfy all your business requirements. Our team is always up-to-date with the latest technology trends so that they can blend their creativity with modern technology.

    We work closely with clients to identify business objectives so that our developers can formulate a detailed roadmap for implementation. Based on the information gathered during the initial stage, we develop custom-built plugins that have a mixture of business logic, efficiency, and technical scalability.

  • WordPress Theme Development
  • WordPress Theme Development

    Nextwebguru provides WordPress theme and conversion services at par with current standards to give exceptional user experience. Whether you have a simple one-page photoshop (PSD design) mock-up or multiple pages UI designs, we can help.

    Our PSD to WordPress theme development team in India delivers even complicated projects on time. We can transform your pixel-perfect designs into a W3C compliant, fast loading and responsive WordPress CMS theme. Each design undergoes the process of analysis, slicing of PSD files, creating separate file structure, cross-browser compatibility and validation.

    As experts in the field of web development, we are witnessing a new trend in the market – more and more websites going to drag-and-drop builders.

    This is because clients don’t want us to bill more hours for coding. They want a solution to their problem and make more sales. Our team wants to address this problem – we want to sell strategy and solve the problems of our clients.

    Page builders like Elementor, Gutenberg, Beaver builder, and Divi Builder help to build complex websites quickly. But there will still be a need for custom coding and development work. This is where our team comes in. We will do the heavy lifting and deliver powerful WordPress websites.


    Web Design/Development according to Industries

    Real Estate
    Food & Beverages
    Media & Entertainment
    Banking & Finance
    Education & Elearning
    Fashion & Apparels
    Travel and Tourism